samedi 30 janvier 2016


-السكين إلى (mamba65) لصور VTI
-قمت بعملة الى صور الدريم بوكس لنواة OE2.0 فقط
-إضافة شاشات لبعض الصور


ملاحظة: هذا السكين Full HD بإمتدادات 1920X1080 لذلك يعمل بشكل صحيح بجميع أبعاده على شاشات LCD وليس التلفاز العادي ويجب تعديل إعدادات الدريم بوكس في خانة A/V وجعل الإمتداد 16:10 او
16:9 وأيضاً يجب ضبط إعدادات شاشة الـ LCD على خيار ملئ الشاشة Fit Screen

الرجاء عدم السؤال عن هذا السكين من يواجة مشكلة على التلفاز العادي لا يوجد حل في إمتداداته


طريقة التثبيت حمل الملف و ارسلة الى مسار tmp/ ثم هذا الامر ضروري حتى يتم التثبيت بشكل صحيح

كود (text):
opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

التحميل من هنا







Skin GriskyHD

هده النسخة لصور الدريم CVS

تم التجريب علي TS3 و Merlin3

ارجو عدم التغير في ملامح السكين اي عدم زيادة اي شئ ولا تغير في الالوان لمن اراد تعديله لصور اخرى

الملف الثاني هو الخاص بجميع الصور

كود (text):
[CENTER]طريقة التثبيت حمل الملف و ارسلة الى مسار tmp/

 ثم هذا الامر ضروري حتى يتم التثبيت بشكل صحيح
[COLOR="Red"]opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk[/COLOR]


الملفات المرفقة:


-السكين إلى (Kerni) شكراً له
-قمت بعملة الى صور الدريم بوكس لنواة OE2.0 فقط
-السكين لا يحتوي على 2nd infobar لذلك قمت بإضافته على طريقتي
-إضافة شاشة حالة الطقس
-إضافة شاشات لبعض الصور


طريقة إظهار حالة الطقس لمدينتك


طريقة التثبيت حمل الملف و ارسلة الى مسار tmp/ ثم هذا الامر ضروري حتى يتم التثبيت بشكل صحيح

كود (text):
opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

التحميل من هنا







OpenATV-5.1-dm800se #ssl84d

حقيقة تحفة فنية هذة الصورة

ملحوظة \ لتقليل مساحة الصورة لتنزيا البلاجين ما عليك الا عند بداية تنصيب الصورة الا الموافقة على ازالة جميع اللغات ماعدا اللغة التى تفضلها
ونقل السكين ببلجن pluginskinmover_0.6
وايضا البلاجن الاخرى ماعدا بلجن OpenWebif
مرة اخرى
الصورة رائعة وخاصة عند تشغيل قنوات الايبى ip
وصراحة من افضل صور OpenATV-5.1


This image is a 100% build from OpenATV source code.
OpenATV 5.1 uses Gstreamer 1.5.1 which will give better DivX and IPTV stream playback.
You can safely use the online update function, I tricked the driver date 100 years in the future so the present (and working) drivers are not overwritten during update.
It's a 100% clean image !

OE-Core July 2015

Bitbake Version 1.27.1

openATV Mymetrix Skin

openPLI FHD Options now compatible with PLI FDH Skin

changelog: Commits · openatv/MetrixHD · GitHub

openATV E2

GST Player Version 1.5.1

Please note: The image is still under development, so don't expect everything to work.

Online updates are working !

source: dailybuild
drivers: 20150618 with 20131001 bcm7405
bootloader: ssl84d
size: 60.2 Mb
skin: MyMetrix





Image flashing:
Internet Explorer (recommended)
Powercycle after flashing

The image only has a couple mb free flash, you need to move some stuff to a usb flash disk (ext3/ext4 format only!):

Move the complete Plugin directory (usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins) to your usb stick.
init 4
mv /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins /media/usb
ln -s /media/usb/Plugins /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins
init 3

OpenATV-5.1-dm800se #ssl84d dailybuild

تحميل من هنا

OpenPLi-4 / Gstreamer 1.7.1 (master git) images 2016-01-05

[quote ] OpenPLi-4 / Gstreamer 1.7.1 (master git) images 2016-01-05
Please reflash your receiver since a software update will most likely fail.
Especially on spark/spark7162.

Changes since previous release:

- Gstreamer snapshot updated to 1.7.1:
* The mp4 issue when playing from remote locations has been fixed upstream, so I've dropped the revert.
* Libsoup has been updated so I've dropped the revert for the old libsoup as well.
- DM800Se V2 and DM500HD V2 kernel config has been cleaned and more in sync with PLi's config for the other Dreambox models.
- More free space by adding a task before do_package_write_ipk which will upx compress some binaries.
* This should give us a few more MBs to work with (Dreambox *cough*).
- Major rework of the meta-fulan BSP for spark thanks to Tapaat for helping me out.
* Now using Tapaat's drivers which fixes the frambuffer (and 22khz?) issue.
* Enable of the zram module.
* Shipping his wifi drivers.
* VFD time is now synced every 5 minutes using a cron job.
* Software update and plugin-installation has been fixed.
* Using Tapaat's lirc config for spark and spark7162.
- The usual batch of dvbmediasink fixes by Christophecvr and mx3L:
* A brand new divx/xvid bitstream unpacker by mx3L should fix playback of avi files with wrong fourcc.
- Libsoup has been updated to 2.52 (from master-next).
- Refactor wifi drivers a bit on Linux 2.6.18, not auto-loading the mt7600 anymore, the correct driver should hopefully be loaded when you plugin your wifi stick.
Changes compared to openpli-oe-core gst-1:

- Ships with gstreamer upstream master git:
Using the same patches as openpli-oe-core gst-1 with only these changes:
Removed: 0001-baseparse-post-tag-list-when-avg-bitrate-changes-at-.patch
because this patch was already checked in upstream.
- Every receiver uses christophecvr's multibox dvbmediasink.
- Libsoup has been updated to 2.52 (from master-next).
- Using libtrmp and rtmpdump from oe-alliance.
- Some small enigma2 patches for Dreambox receivers (ac3/dts bypass and blanking on zap support).
These are only applied for Dreambox receivers.
- AAC to AC3 transcoding V2 by mx3L (requires a fast cpu).
- IPTV Player from samsamsam included (thx to Athoik for the recipe).
- Large list of public IPTV streams included thanks to the Japhar Team.
- Updated libcdio and cdtextinfo for audio-cd support by christophecvr.
- DM800Se, DM7020HD and DM800SeV2 driver upgraded to 20151201:
added si2166b blindscan support.
- Using aio-grab source from oe-alliance which includes fixes for spark receivers.

Known issues:

- DM800 first boot will take a while, please be patient. The next boot will be faster.
- On spark/spark7162 you need to set 'boxtype = dreambox' for oscam dvbapi.
Please use 'duckbox' instead.
- On Zgemma Star you cannot use full HD skins.
This is a hardware/driver limitation.
Please don't try it, it will crash enigma2.
- Some Dreambox remotes may behave very sensitive.
This causes button presses to register multiple times instead of just once.
As a workaround you can adjust the key interval:
Go to: Menu - System - Input devices - dreambox remote control (native).
Set "Change repeat and delay settings" to yes
Set "Interval between keys when repeating:" to 200ms or 300ms.
Press green button (OK)
Now set the same delay for: "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" as well.
- Linux 2.6.18: Create a plugin / ppanel to select which Realtek/Ralink driver to load on startup (eg. rt3070, rt55xx, mt7600), since they cannot be loaded at the same time.
- Linux 2.6.18: Look into the v4l usb drivers.
- Add Spark specific plugins by gorski.
- Add meta-ini from OE-Alliance and shape it up for openpli-oe-core.
Happy testing everyone!