Impossible de vous perdre avec ce GPS complet qui intègre une
recherche locale avec Google. En plus de trouver votre chemin, le GPS
peut vous indiquer en temps réel les différents commerces aux alentours
tout en vous guidant vers votre choix. Le kit comprend bien sûr les
nombreuses cartes d'Europe complètes, un système de fixation magnétique, les annonces vocales, l'état du trafic... Prix public : 300 euros. |
jeudi 24 novembre 2011
Gps TomTom GO LIVE 1005
RealPlayer 11 NEW VERSION
المشغل الشهير المتعدد الوسائط ريل بلاير بنسختة 11 تطل علينا بمميزات كبيرة جدا لقد تم تركيز كبير على تطوير على هذه النسخة من مميزات
جديدة يستطيع الأن البرنامج ان يقوم بتسجيل ملفات الفيديو أثناء أستعراضها في البرنامج وتحميلها على الجهاز وكذالك تخطي الحماية على بعض
مواقع الفيديو وفي هذه النسخة الجديدة كذالك تستطيع تسجيل اقراص الفيديو وتم أضافة الكثير من مميزات الرائعة والمدهشة وتطوير كبير بشكل
ومضمون البرنامج اصبح تعامل معه بشكل اسهل ومميزات كبيرة وفي هذه النسخة يدعم الكثير من الصيغ المرئية والصوتية برنامج مميز وشهير
يستحق التحميل
بالتأكيد ستحتاج هذا البرنامج الشهير الذي يمكنك من تشغيل ملفات الصوت والفيديو من خلال الإنترنت من دون الحاجة لتنزيلها إلى كمبيوترك حيث
أن العديد من مواقع الإنترنت تدعم هذا البرنامج وتطلبه للتمكن من مشاهدة لقطاتها الصوتية والفديوية. يوفر البرنامج أيضا إمكانية مشاهدة الأخبار
والعديد من اللقطات الترفيهية بالصوت والصورة مباشرة من البرنامج وهاذا أخر اصدار من البرنامج كامل مكمل مع كل وضائف البرنامج شغاله
لاينقصه اي شيئ سوى تركيبة وتمتع به وتستطيع الأستماع ألى راديو حيثت يوفر البرنامج اكثر من 3200 محطة و 60 محطة فري خالية من أعلان
نلاحظ هنا أصدار البرنامج 11 ::
نلاحظ هنا واجهة البرنامجد المميزة لأصدار الجديد 11 حصريا على برامج نت
مميزات جديدة ورائعة فعلا في هذه النسخة :
وهسه بنجي لتحميل البرنامج ادعس على الوصلة التالية
Password : www.bramjnet.com
Guitare électronique Misa Kitara
Distribuée par Misa Digital, la Misa Kitara est une guitare
électronique digne d'un film de science fiction. Equipée d'un écran
multi-touch à la place des cordes traditionnelles, l'instrument reprend
le principe du manche de guitare déjà connu. Le synthétiseur embarqué
permet de jouer de nombreux sons, modulables et laissant place à votre
créativité musicale. Disponible uniquement sur le site de Misa Digital. Prix public : 849 dollars. |
Apple MacBook Air
Design ultra-fin, compact, doté des fonctions indispensables d'un
ordinateur portable, le MacBook Air risque de convaincre de nombreux
utilisateurs qui ne sont pas attirés par les tablettes tactiles.
Disponible en plusieurs versions, avec des processeurs plus ou moins
puissants et des écrans de 11,6 ou 13,3 pouces, l'ordinateur plat
d'Apple est l'un des produits de l'année. Prix public : à partir de 949 euros. |
Samsung Galaxy S2
Grand rival de l'iPhone 4S, le Galaxy S2 est disponible en noir et en
blanc. Avec son grand écran de 4,3 pouces AMOLED, le smartphone est à
la pointe en termes de technologie avec un processeur cadencé à 1,2 ghz
et un capteur photo/vidéo de qualité. Le système d'exploitation Android
rend l'utilisation de l'appareil fluide et confortable, de quoi rendre
jaloux les utilisateurs d'iPhone. Prix public : 649 euros (sans abonnement). Comparer les prix |
Le Samsung Galaxy S2 © Samsung
La liseuse Kindle d'Amazon
Vendue au prix très compétitif de 99 euros en France, la liseuse
Kindle risque de convaincre de nombreux lecteurs à Noël. Testée à la
rédaction il y a peu, la liseuse a tout d'une grande, avec un écran
agréable et très confortable pour la lecture. La prise en main est
simple, aidée par un poids plume assez étonnant au premier toucher. La
qualité est bien au rendez-vous. Prix public : 99 euros Comparer les |
Call of Duty 3 : Modern Warfare
Troisième volet du célèbre jeu de simulation de guerre, Modern
Warfare connait déjà un beau succès à travers le monde. Disponible sur
PC, Wii, Xbox360 et PS3, le jeu propose un réalisme de plus en plus
convaincant, sur des scènes de guerre modernes, de New York à Paris. Un
joli cadeau pour les joueurs qui veulent se défouler pendant plusieurs
heures, voire plusieurs jours. Prix public : à partir de 59,99 euros. Comparer les prix |
Caméra Sony et projecteur intégré
Caméra Sony et projecteur intégré |
La caméra Sony PJ10E embarque une mémoire de 16 Go et enregistre
en Full HD. C'est surtout son vidéo projecteur intégré qui marquera les
esprits, vous permettant ainsi de visualiser vos images en direct. Les
performances de l'appareil ne sont pas en reste : zoom 30x, mode auto
intelligent, stabilisateur optique et capteur Exmor très performant. Prix public : 649 euros Comparer les prix |
La caméra Sony PJ10E © Sony
produits high-tech incontournables
produits high-tech incontournables |
Difficile de choisir un cadeau high-tech pour Noël sans
se perdre parmi les nombreux produits du marché. Voici une sélection de
15 produits pour vous aiguiller vers le cadeau idéal.
Eee Pad Transformer est une solution hybride sur le marché des
tablettes. Dotée d'un écran IPS tactile de 10,1 pouces, d'un processeur
2,1 ghz et de 1 Go de RAM, cette tablette est aussi adaptable en
netbook. Proposée en version 16 Go et 32 Go, la tablette est équipée du
système d'exploitation Android 3.1. |
Flash4D V.3 - A Pro Flash
هل تريد صنع مشاهد
بداية مواقع فلاشيه بكل سهولة وأتقان الأن في برامج نت فقط نقدم لكم
برنامج في قمة الروعة يقوم بصنع مشااهد فلاشيه بكل سهولة في 3 خطوات فقط
تصنع اجمل مشهد فلاشي من حركات رائعة ثري دي ويقدملك البرنامج اربعين الى خمسين مشهد عرض فلاشي تستطيع الأختيار منها مايناسب موقعك وتستطيع الكتابة والتعديلات بكل سهولة وأتقان البرنامج رائع نقدمه لكم كامل مكمل فقط في برامج نت وطبعا تم تعديل وصلة البرنامج لي بعض المشاكل التي واجهة الأعضاء في فتح ضغط البرنامج و تم ألغاء حماية الموقع ليتمكنو جميع اعضاء الكرام من تحميل البرنامج بدون أي مشاكل أو صعوبة
تصنع اجمل مشهد فلاشي من حركات رائعة ثري دي ويقدملك البرنامج اربعين الى خمسين مشهد عرض فلاشي تستطيع الأختيار منها مايناسب موقعك وتستطيع الكتابة والتعديلات بكل سهولة وأتقان البرنامج رائع نقدمه لكم كامل مكمل فقط في برامج نت وطبعا تم تعديل وصلة البرنامج لي بعض المشاكل التي واجهة الأعضاء في فتح ضغط البرنامج و تم ألغاء حماية الموقع ليتمكنو جميع اعضاء الكرام من تحميل البرنامج بدون أي مشاكل أو صعوبة
حجم الملف :149ميجا / أصدار البرنامج :3.0
تحميل البرنامج 
حجم الملف :149ميجا / أصدار البرنامج :3.0
برنامج: PhotoImpression® 5 برنامج يقوم بتحرير الصور الفوتغرافية وهاذا الأصدار الجديد من البرنامج مكتظ بالأدوات الجديدة والمحسنة تستطيع سحب الصور من كاميرات الرقمية وله الكثير من مميزات الرائعه ألتي لا توصف بها الكلمات يقوم البرنامج بأزالة ويحسن من العين الحمراء ألتي تلتقط في صور تستطيع عمل معرض للصور وتضيف أليها تأثيرات قوية في غاية من الروعة أذا انتا من هواة التصوير الرقمي قم بأستعمال هاذا البرنامج الرائع -------------------------------------------------- حجم الملف :131 ميجا / أصدار البرنامج :5 تحميل البرنامج / كرك البرنامج
برنامج: PhotoImpression® 5
برنامج يقوم
بتحرير الصور الفوتغرافية وهاذا الأصدار الجديد من البرنامج مكتظ
بالأدوات الجديدة والمحسنة تستطيع سحب الصور من كاميرات الرقمية وله
الكثير من مميزات الرائعه ألتي لا توصف بها الكلمات يقوم البرنامج
بأزالة ويحسن من العين الحمراء ألتي تلتقط في صور تستطيع عمل معرض للصور
وتضيف أليها تأثيرات قوية في غاية من الروعة أذا انتا من هواة التصوير
الرقمي قم بأستعمال هاذا البرنامج الرائع
-------------------------------------------------- حجم الملف :131 ميجا / أصدار البرنامج :5 |
USB Disk Security V5.0.0.66 للحماية ضد التهديدات عبر USB drive
USB Disk Security V5.0.0.66
USB Disk Security يوفر حماية بنسبة 100 ? ضد أي تهديدات عبر USB drive ، ومع ذلك ، فإن معظم المنتجات الاخرى
هي غير قادرة حتى على ضمان حمايه 90 ?. USB Disk أفضل برنامج حمايه من الفيروسات بشكل دائم عير كمبيوتر غير متصل بالانترنت
دون الحاجة لتحديثات التوقيع . ولكن برامج الحماية الاخرى تتطلب تحديث قاعدة البيانات بانتظام ، و لا يمكن ان توفر حمايه فعالة
للكمبيوتر متصل بالانترنت. هذا البرنامج خفيف و سهل الاستعمال و متوافق بنسبة 100% مع جميع البرامج ولا يبطئ جهاز الكمبيوتر.
Product Highlights:
* 100% protection against any malicious programs via USB storage
* The best solution to protect offline computer
* The world's fastest and smallest antivirus software
* 100% compatible with all software
* Simple to use
Os: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows NT 4.0, Windows ME, or Vista.
حجم البرنامج : Mo 0.99
التسجيل فعال
بعض جوائز البرنامج
واجهة البرنامج
موقع البرنامج
CCleaner Optimization and Cleaning
برنامج: أفضل برنامج تنظيف في العالم CCleaner 3.12.1572 كامل
أفضل برنامج تنظيف في العالم CCleaner 3.12.1572 كامل
يمكنك البرنامج من تنظيف النظام ويقوم بمسح
اثار تصفحك
CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware!
Firefox 8.0 Final
رنامج: تحميل فايرفوكس أخر نسخة Portable Mozilla Firefox 8.0 Final
أفضل متصفح النسخة محمولة Portable Mozilla Firefox 8.0 Final هو متصفح من الجيل الجديد لشركة Mozilla. يتيح فايرفوكس تصفح أسرع ، أمان أكثر، وأكثر كفاءة من أي متصفح آخر. ابدأ العمل بهذا المتصفح من اليوم - فايرفوكس يورد روابط المواقع المفضلة - Favorites الإعدادات وغيرها من المعلومات ، بحيث انك لا تخسر اي شيء. يقوم فايرفوكس بايقاف الإعلانات المنبثقة المزعجة عرض أكثر من صفحة ويب في نافذة واحدة توفيرا للوقت ، فتح الروابط في الخلفية لتتمكن من الاطلاع عليها عند الحاجة ، يبقي جهازك في مأمن من التجسس بحيث لا يتم تحميلها بالسيطرة على ActiveX الضارة ، واكثر من ذلك.
Portable Mozilla Firefox 8.0 Final

- Firefox هو متصفح من الجيل الجديد لشركة Mozilla. يتيح فايرفوكس تصفح أسرع ، أمان أكثر، وأكثر كفاءة
من أي متصفح آخر. ابدأ العمل بهذا المتصفح من اليوم - فايرفوكس يورد روابط المواقع المفضلة - Favorites-
الإعدادات وغيرها من المعلومات ، بحيث انك لا تخسر اي شيء. يقوم فايرفوكس بايقاف الإعلانات المنبثقة المزعجة
عرض أكثر من صفحة ويب في نافذة واحدة توفيرا للوقت ، فتح الروابط في الخلفية لتتمكن من الاطلاع عليها عند
الحاجة ، يبقي جهازك في مأمن من التجسس بحيث لا يتم تحميلها بالسيطرة على ActiveX الضارة ، واكثر من ذلك.

Features in Firefox include::
- Easy migration
- Smaller Download
- New Default Theme
- SmartUpdate
- Help
- Extension/Theme Manager
- Popup Blocking
- Tabbed Browsing
- Smarter Search
- Privacy and Security
- Hassle-Free Downloading
- Setups a Snap
- A Developers Best Friend
حجم البرنامج : Mo 15.7
OS: Windows XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
البرنامج خال من العدوى
جوائز البرامج

واجهة البرنامج

موقع البرنامج

Portable Mozilla Firefox 8.0 Final
- Firefox هو متصفح من الجيل الجديد لشركة Mozilla. يتيح فايرفوكس تصفح أسرع ، أمان أكثر، وأكثر كفاءة
من أي متصفح آخر. ابدأ العمل بهذا المتصفح من اليوم - فايرفوكس يورد روابط المواقع المفضلة - Favorites-
الإعدادات وغيرها من المعلومات ، بحيث انك لا تخسر اي شيء. يقوم فايرفوكس بايقاف الإعلانات المنبثقة المزعجة
عرض أكثر من صفحة ويب في نافذة واحدة توفيرا للوقت ، فتح الروابط في الخلفية لتتمكن من الاطلاع عليها عند
الحاجة ، يبقي جهازك في مأمن من التجسس بحيث لا يتم تحميلها بالسيطرة على ActiveX الضارة ، واكثر من ذلك.
Features in Firefox include::
- Easy migration
- Smaller Download
- New Default Theme
- SmartUpdate
- Help
- Extension/Theme Manager
- Popup Blocking
- Tabbed Browsing
- Smarter Search
- Privacy and Security
- Hassle-Free Downloading
- Setups a Snap
- A Developers Best Friend
حجم البرنامج : Mo 15.7
OS: Windows XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
البرنامج خال من العدوى
جوائز البرامج
واجهة البرنامج
موقع البرنامج
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : bmaerscia ( + Anything)
PASS : www.satna.biz
PORT : 12345 : CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : bmaerscia ( + Anything)
PASS : www.satna.biz
PORT : 12345 : CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.2
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : sat2u1 --> sat2u1000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART
PORT : 502 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 503 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports
PORT : 504 -> CAID : 1803 Polsat HD
PORT : 505 -> CAID : 0D08 AlMajd
PORT : 506 -> CAID : 0500 SRG Swiss/CSAT/TNT Sat/Canal+ Marghreb //BiSS TV
PORT : 507 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+
PORT : 508 -> CAID : 090D yes
PORT : 509 -> CAID : 09CD SKY Italia
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : sat2u1 --> sat2u1000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART
PORT : 502 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 503 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports
PORT : 504 -> CAID : 1803 Polsat HD
PORT : 505 -> CAID : 0D08 AlMajd
PORT : 506 -> CAID : 0500 SRG Swiss/CSAT/TNT Sat/Canal+ Marghreb //BiSS TV
PORT : 507 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+
PORT : 508 -> CAID : 090D yes
PORT : 509 -> CAID : 09CD SKY Italia
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : freesrv.best-sat.com
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: real-1 =to=> real-1000
PASS: best-sat.com
PORT : 6999 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1702 -> CAID : 1702 SKY Deutschland (19E)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : freesrv.best-sat.com
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: real-1 =to=> real-1000
PASS: best-sat.com
PORT : 6999 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1702 -> CAID : 1702 SKY Deutschland (19E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : newcamdserver.no-ip.info
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : os2010blook-1 ==> os2010blook-10000
PASS : satna.biz
PORT : 100 : JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1010 : nova / ART(13E/)
PORT : 2010 : Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 1000 : Canal+ (19E) PROVIDER: 022610
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : newcamdserver.no-ip.info
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : os2010blook-1 ==> os2010blook-10000
PASS : satna.biz
PORT : 100 : JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1010 : nova / ART(13E/)
PORT : 2010 : Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 1000 : Canal+ (19E) PROVIDER: 022610
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.2
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST: sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : MW3-1 --> MW3-1000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART
PORT : 502 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 503 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports
PORT : 504 -> CAID : 1803 Polsat HD
PORT : 505 -> CAID : 0D08 AlMajd
PORT : 506 -> CAID : 0500 SRG Swiss/CSAT/TNT Sat/Canal+ Marghreb //BiSS TV
PORT : 507 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+
PORT : 508 -> CAID : 090D yes
PORT : 509 -> CAID : 09CD SKY Italia (down)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST: sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : MW3-1 --> MW3-1000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART
PORT : 502 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 503 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports
PORT : 504 -> CAID : 1803 Polsat HD
PORT : 505 -> CAID : 0D08 AlMajd
PORT : 506 -> CAID : 0500 SRG Swiss/CSAT/TNT Sat/Canal+ Marghreb //BiSS TV
PORT : 507 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+
PORT : 508 -> CAID : 090D yes
PORT : 509 -> CAID : 09CD SKY Italia (down)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : supersport.no-ip.biz
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: barca1 =to=> barca700
PASS: satna.biz
PORT : 7001 -> CAID : 0100 provid:000068 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 7003 -> CAID : 0500 provid:042400 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7002-> CAID : 0500 provid:032830 CSAT (19E)
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: barca1 =to=> barca700
PASS: satna.biz
PORT : 7001 -> CAID : 0100 provid:000068 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 7003 -> CAID : 0500 provid:042400 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7002-> CAID : 0500 provid:032830 CSAT (19E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : NewCamd.TheBestCCcam.CoM
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : usa7up1 ––> usa7up100
PASS : thebestcccam.com
PORT : 300 ––>CAID : 0500 JSC Sport Full HD (26E/13E/7W)
PORT : 301 ––> CAID : 0500 BIS TV (13E/5W/19E/12W)
PORT : 302 ––> CAID : 0500 TPS/CanalSat France (19E)
PORT : 303 ––> CAID : 0500 Canal+ Marghreb (26E)
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : usa7up1 ––> usa7up100
PASS : thebestcccam.com
PORT : 300 ––>CAID : 0500 JSC Sport Full HD (26E/13E/7W)
PORT : 301 ––> CAID : 0500 BIS TV (13E/5W/19E/12W)
PORT : 302 ––> CAID : 0500 TPS/CanalSat France (19E)
PORT : 303 ––> CAID : 0500 Canal+ Marghreb (26E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : arbveo.ddns.net
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : champions-1 ==> champions-10000
PASS : www.arbveo.com
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : champions-1 ==> champions-10000
PASS : www.arbveo.com
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : agadir ( + Anything)
PASS : www.satna.biz
PORT : 12345 : CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : agadir ( + Anything)
PASS : www.satna.biz
PORT : 12345 : CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOCOL: NewCamd 5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : fessat.no-ip.org
DES KEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : league-1 ==> league-1000
PASS : 2koora.com
PORT : 18000 JSC Sport
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : fessat.no-ip.org
DES KEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : league-1 ==> league-1000
PASS : 2koora.com
PORT : 18000 JSC Sport
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : dream-ma.no-ip.info
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : mancity-1 ==> mancity-10000
PASS : www.dream-ma.com
PORT : 12345 JSC Sport
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : dream-ma.no-ip.info
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : mancity-1 ==> mancity-10000
PASS : www.dream-ma.com
PORT : 12345 JSC Sport
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
P1ROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : amir-hd.no-ip.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : amirB-1 --> amirB-1000
PASS : www.amir-hd.com
2000 ---> CSAT
2102 ---> Almajd
2315 ---> JSC SPORT (viacc)
3856 ---> ART
3618 ---> SKY ITALIA
3254 ---> POLSAT
2564 ---> CANALSAT
3561 ---> CYFRA+
3165 ---> DIGITAL+ (seca)
2235 ---> DIGITAL+ (nagra)
3362 ---> SKY GERMANY
2184 ---> JSC SPORT (irdeto)
2891 ---> NOVA
3495 ---> SRG SWISS
3741 ---> BIS TV
2567 ---> C+ MAGHREB
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : amir-hd.no-ip.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : amirB-1 --> amirB-1000
PASS : www.amir-hd.com
2000 ---> CSAT
2102 ---> Almajd
2315 ---> JSC SPORT (viacc)
3856 ---> ART
3618 ---> SKY ITALIA
3254 ---> POLSAT
2564 ---> CANALSAT
3561 ---> CYFRA+
3165 ---> DIGITAL+ (seca)
2235 ---> DIGITAL+ (nagra)
3362 ---> SKY GERMANY
2184 ---> JSC SPORT (irdeto)
2891 ---> NOVA
3495 ---> SRG SWISS
3741 ---> BIS TV
2567 ---> C+ MAGHREB
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
Host: ppv-madrid.zapto.org
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
User: InteR1 ==TO== InteR1000
Pass: satna
30000 Jsc viaccess
2200 Canal sat viaccess
1300 Digital+ (down)
1100 Sky Germany
1700 Cyfra+
1900 tsr
2000 canal digital
1000 Sky italia
1200 Sky UK
1500 Nova + art
2400 Al-majd
2100 Canal sat seca
2300 Canal+ maghreb
2500 Upc
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
Host: ppv-madrid.zapto.org
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
User: InteR1 ==TO== InteR1000
Pass: satna
30000 Jsc viaccess
2200 Canal sat viaccess
1300 Digital+ (down)
1100 Sky Germany
1700 Cyfra+
1900 tsr
2000 canal digital
1000 Sky italia
1200 Sky UK
1500 Nova + art
2400 Al-majd
2100 Canal sat seca
2300 Canal+ maghreb
2500 Upc
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.2
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST: sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : sat4stars1 --> sat4stars1000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART
PORT : 502 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 503 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports
PORT : 504 -> CAID : 1803 Polsat HD
PORT : 505 -> CAID : 0D08 AlMajd
PORT : 506 -> CAID : 0500 SRG Swiss/CSAT/TNT Sat/Canal+ Marghreb //BiSS TV
PORT : 507 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+
PORT : 508 -> CAID : 090D yes
PORT : 509 -> CAID : 09CD SKY Italia (down)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST: sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : sat4stars1 --> sat4stars1000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART
PORT : 502 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 503 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports
PORT : 504 -> CAID : 1803 Polsat HD
PORT : 505 -> CAID : 0D08 AlMajd
PORT : 506 -> CAID : 0500 SRG Swiss/CSAT/TNT Sat/Canal+ Marghreb //BiSS TV
PORT : 507 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+
PORT : 508 -> CAID : 090D yes
PORT : 509 -> CAID : 09CD SKY Italia (down)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : satarabia.no-ip.info
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: rma1 =to=> rma1000
PASS: satarabia.com
PORT: 3001 : CAID: 0604 ART//Nova full Irdeto
PORT: 3002 : CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W) Viaccess
PORT: 3003 : CAID: 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W) Irdeto
PORT: 3004 CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT: 3005 CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT: 3006 CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT: 3007 digiturk
PORT: 3008 CAID: 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : satarabia.no-ip.info
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: rma1 =to=> rma1000
PASS: satarabia.com
PORT: 3001 : CAID: 0604 ART//Nova full Irdeto
PORT: 3002 : CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W) Viaccess
PORT: 3003 : CAID: 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W) Irdeto
PORT: 3004 CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT: 3005 CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT: 3006 CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT: 3007 digiturk
PORT: 3008 CAID: 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : newcamdserver.no-ip.info
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: os2010wiit-1 =to=> os2010wiit-1000
PASS: satna.biz
PORT : 100 : JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1010 : Nova / ART(13E/)
PORT : 2010 : Cyfra+seca all (13E)
PORT : 1000 : Canal+ (19E) PROVIDER: 022610
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : newcamdserver.no-ip.info
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: os2010wiit-1 =to=> os2010wiit-1000
PASS: satna.biz
PORT : 100 : JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1010 : Nova / ART(13E/)
PORT : 2010 : Cyfra+seca all (13E)
PORT : 1000 : Canal+ (19E) PROVIDER: 022610
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : freesrv.best-sat.com
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : foot-1 foot-1000
PASS : best-sat.com
PORT : 6999 : CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1702 : CAID : 1702 SKY Deutschland (19E)
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : freesrv.best-sat.com
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : foot-1 foot-1000
PASS : best-sat.com
PORT : 6999 : CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1702 : CAID : 1702 SKY Deutschland (19E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : Canal1 toCanal1000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 502 -> CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Viaccess
PORT : 503 -> CAID: 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Irdeto
PORT : 504 -> CAID: 1803 Polsat HD (13E)
PORT : 505 -> CAID: 0D08 AlMajd (30E/26E)
PORT : 506 -> CAID: 0500 BIS TV (13E)/Max TV/CSAT (19E)/SRG Swiss (13E)/Canal+ Marghreb (26E)/TNTSat (19E)/XXX (13E)
PORT : 507 -> CAID: 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)/CSAT (19E)/Canal+ (19E)/Rai (13E)/Digital+ (19E)
PORT : 508 -> CAID: 090D yes (4W)
PORT : 509 -> CAID: 09CD Sky Italia (13E)
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : Canal1 toCanal1000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 502 -> CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Viaccess
PORT : 503 -> CAID: 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Irdeto
PORT : 504 -> CAID: 1803 Polsat HD (13E)
PORT : 505 -> CAID: 0D08 AlMajd (30E/26E)
PORT : 506 -> CAID: 0500 BIS TV (13E)/Max TV/CSAT (19E)/SRG Swiss (13E)/Canal+ Marghreb (26E)/TNTSat (19E)/XXX (13E)
PORT : 507 -> CAID: 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)/CSAT (19E)/Canal+ (19E)/Rai (13E)/Digital+ (19E)
PORT : 508 -> CAID: 090D yes (4W)
PORT : 509 -> CAID: 09CD Sky Italia (13E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
Host: sa.ksasharing.com
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
PORT : 3111 -> CAID : 0604 ART
PORT : 3112 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3113 -> CAID : 0D08 Al Majed Tv(26E)
Username: ksasharing.com1 Password: A1T1nX
Username: ksasharing.com2 Password: 09u683
Username: ksasharing.com3 Password: I932PH
Username: ksasharing.com4 Password: 9H2l2f
Username: ksasharing.com5 Password: R22D8Y
Username: ksasharing.com6 Password: 3a96h9
Username: ksasharing.com7 Password: AA285P
Username: ksasharing.com8 Password: 76umg4
Username: ksasharing.com9 Password: 1KO3IZ
Username: ksasharing.com10 Password: 6I2DGg
Username: ksasharing.com11 Password: 30N3Y2
Username: ksasharing.com12 Password: 629UY0
Username: ksasharing.com13 Password: ZrM8gg
Username: ksasharing.com14 Password: 0Qu87o
Username: ksasharing.com15 Password: 12S473
Username: ksasharing.com16 Password: 927176
Username: ksasharing.com17 Password: Y5KA3V
Username: ksasharing.com18 Password: Yxs4vW
Username: ksasharing.com19 Password: 57j0UM
Username: ksasharing.com20 Password: X817n2
Username: ksasharing.com21 Password: 7OiI2D
Username: ksasharing.com22 Password: Pf7amE
Username: ksasharing.com23 Password: 3356l5
Username: ksasharing.com24 Password: O4zrl8
Username: ksasharing.com25 Password: 0W92Uk
Username: ksasharing.com26 Password: NN6IEl
Username: ksasharing.com27 Password: 79yQ21
Username: ksasharing.com28 Password: 5u8GKA
Username: ksasharing.com29 Password: 9dYxss
Username: ksasharing.com30 Password: 9b57J0
Username: ksasharing.com31 Password: Bb736Q
Username: ksasharing.com32 Password: 811nIh
Username: ksasharing.com33 Password: KS7M25
Username: ksasharing.com34 Password: 7j33AI
Username: ksasharing.com35 Password: SJ6998
Username: ksasharing.com36 Password: JRU2gP
Username: ksasharing.com37 Password: B05t61
Username: ksasharing.com38 Password: I82447
Username: ksasharing.com39 Password: Xx5B3m
Username: ksasharing.com40 Password: 5ylK8X
Username: ksasharing.com41 Password: G141N2
Username: ksasharing.com42 Password: NNBI2L
Username: ksasharing.com43 Password: PfrJ6u
Username: ksasharing.com44 Password: FNq929
Username: ksasharing.com45 Password: 3Dq2LS
Username: ksasharing.com46 Password: E0Zp14
Username: ksasharing.com47 Password: 05p8a7
Username: ksasharing.com48 Password: DVh55t
Username: ksasharing.com49 Password: 2LPYjA
Username: ksasharing.com50 Password: 2c83Ah
Username: ksasharing.com51 Password: 8COFS3
Username: ksasharing.com52 Password: 170VZ6
Username: ksasharing.com53 Password: 0z0mh1
Username: ksasharing.com54 Password: 0K69Rp
Username: ksasharing.com55 Password: 72M52f
Username: ksasharing.com56 Password: 588KXw
Username: ksasharing.com57 Password: Z5LU4W
Username: ksasharing.com58 Password: 9y50w3
Username: ksasharing.com59 Password: 68d1oN
Username: ksasharing.com60 Password: 841r63
Username: ksasharing.com61 Password: X77733
Username: ksasharing.com62 Password: 85S609
Username: ksasharing.com63 Password: GN6Q9V
Username: ksasharing.com64 Password: Wuh45T
Username: ksasharing.com65 Password: O36q19
Username: ksasharing.com66 Password: V6QQ40
Username: ksasharing.com67 Password: Eu088c
Username: ksasharing.com68 Password: 6cy58B
Username: ksasharing.com69 Password: TsG4a0
Username: ksasharing.com70 Password: U2oY71
Username: ksasharing.com71 Password: 1cFmJ3
Username: ksasharing.com72 Password: 43E622
Username: ksasharing.com73 Password: L4X036
Username: ksasharing.com74 Password: Srmm1Q
Username: ksasharing.com75 Password: 53D5O4
Username: ksasharing.com76 Password: R96258
Username: ksasharing.com77 Password: 2IC1wX
Username: ksasharing.com78 Password: JZEu5x
Username: ksasharing.com79 Password: 99bCf0
Username: ksasharing.com80 Password: 1g0Sm9
Username: ksasharing.com81 Password: 5pt7Oe
Username: ksasharing.com82 Password: 1O77l9
Username: ksasharing.com83 Password: 25sKd6
Username: ksasharing.com84 Password: 013Ad5
Username: ksasharing.com85 Password: MeyY44
Username: ksasharing.com86 Password: 4v0qDU
Username: ksasharing.com87 Password: 6V89b7
Username: ksasharing.com88 Password: 9D716i
Username: ksasharing.com89 Password: E92G81
Username: ksasharing.com90 Password: Ed99uC
Username: ksasharing.com91 Password: M2154S
Username: ksasharing.com92 Password: KL1waq
Username: ksasharing.com93 Password: 151O6J
Username: ksasharing.com94 Password: CS7nz3
Username: ksasharing.com95 Password: RS0V8g
Username: ksasharing.com96 Password: 1sfEyY
Username: ksasharing.com97 Password: A69258
Username: ksasharing.com98 Password: 0066R8
Username: ksasharing.com99 Password: Jz9D2o
Username: ksasharing.com100 Password: Zhk47G
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
Host: sa.ksasharing.com
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
PORT : 3111 -> CAID : 0604 ART
PORT : 3112 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3113 -> CAID : 0D08 Al Majed Tv(26E)
Username: ksasharing.com1 Password: A1T1nX
Username: ksasharing.com2 Password: 09u683
Username: ksasharing.com3 Password: I932PH
Username: ksasharing.com4 Password: 9H2l2f
Username: ksasharing.com5 Password: R22D8Y
Username: ksasharing.com6 Password: 3a96h9
Username: ksasharing.com7 Password: AA285P
Username: ksasharing.com8 Password: 76umg4
Username: ksasharing.com9 Password: 1KO3IZ
Username: ksasharing.com10 Password: 6I2DGg
Username: ksasharing.com11 Password: 30N3Y2
Username: ksasharing.com12 Password: 629UY0
Username: ksasharing.com13 Password: ZrM8gg
Username: ksasharing.com14 Password: 0Qu87o
Username: ksasharing.com15 Password: 12S473
Username: ksasharing.com16 Password: 927176
Username: ksasharing.com17 Password: Y5KA3V
Username: ksasharing.com18 Password: Yxs4vW
Username: ksasharing.com19 Password: 57j0UM
Username: ksasharing.com20 Password: X817n2
Username: ksasharing.com21 Password: 7OiI2D
Username: ksasharing.com22 Password: Pf7amE
Username: ksasharing.com23 Password: 3356l5
Username: ksasharing.com24 Password: O4zrl8
Username: ksasharing.com25 Password: 0W92Uk
Username: ksasharing.com26 Password: NN6IEl
Username: ksasharing.com27 Password: 79yQ21
Username: ksasharing.com28 Password: 5u8GKA
Username: ksasharing.com29 Password: 9dYxss
Username: ksasharing.com30 Password: 9b57J0
Username: ksasharing.com31 Password: Bb736Q
Username: ksasharing.com32 Password: 811nIh
Username: ksasharing.com33 Password: KS7M25
Username: ksasharing.com34 Password: 7j33AI
Username: ksasharing.com35 Password: SJ6998
Username: ksasharing.com36 Password: JRU2gP
Username: ksasharing.com37 Password: B05t61
Username: ksasharing.com38 Password: I82447
Username: ksasharing.com39 Password: Xx5B3m
Username: ksasharing.com40 Password: 5ylK8X
Username: ksasharing.com41 Password: G141N2
Username: ksasharing.com42 Password: NNBI2L
Username: ksasharing.com43 Password: PfrJ6u
Username: ksasharing.com44 Password: FNq929
Username: ksasharing.com45 Password: 3Dq2LS
Username: ksasharing.com46 Password: E0Zp14
Username: ksasharing.com47 Password: 05p8a7
Username: ksasharing.com48 Password: DVh55t
Username: ksasharing.com49 Password: 2LPYjA
Username: ksasharing.com50 Password: 2c83Ah
Username: ksasharing.com51 Password: 8COFS3
Username: ksasharing.com52 Password: 170VZ6
Username: ksasharing.com53 Password: 0z0mh1
Username: ksasharing.com54 Password: 0K69Rp
Username: ksasharing.com55 Password: 72M52f
Username: ksasharing.com56 Password: 588KXw
Username: ksasharing.com57 Password: Z5LU4W
Username: ksasharing.com58 Password: 9y50w3
Username: ksasharing.com59 Password: 68d1oN
Username: ksasharing.com60 Password: 841r63
Username: ksasharing.com61 Password: X77733
Username: ksasharing.com62 Password: 85S609
Username: ksasharing.com63 Password: GN6Q9V
Username: ksasharing.com64 Password: Wuh45T
Username: ksasharing.com65 Password: O36q19
Username: ksasharing.com66 Password: V6QQ40
Username: ksasharing.com67 Password: Eu088c
Username: ksasharing.com68 Password: 6cy58B
Username: ksasharing.com69 Password: TsG4a0
Username: ksasharing.com70 Password: U2oY71
Username: ksasharing.com71 Password: 1cFmJ3
Username: ksasharing.com72 Password: 43E622
Username: ksasharing.com73 Password: L4X036
Username: ksasharing.com74 Password: Srmm1Q
Username: ksasharing.com75 Password: 53D5O4
Username: ksasharing.com76 Password: R96258
Username: ksasharing.com77 Password: 2IC1wX
Username: ksasharing.com78 Password: JZEu5x
Username: ksasharing.com79 Password: 99bCf0
Username: ksasharing.com80 Password: 1g0Sm9
Username: ksasharing.com81 Password: 5pt7Oe
Username: ksasharing.com82 Password: 1O77l9
Username: ksasharing.com83 Password: 25sKd6
Username: ksasharing.com84 Password: 013Ad5
Username: ksasharing.com85 Password: MeyY44
Username: ksasharing.com86 Password: 4v0qDU
Username: ksasharing.com87 Password: 6V89b7
Username: ksasharing.com88 Password: 9D716i
Username: ksasharing.com89 Password: E92G81
Username: ksasharing.com90 Password: Ed99uC
Username: ksasharing.com91 Password: M2154S
Username: ksasharing.com92 Password: KL1waq
Username: ksasharing.com93 Password: 151O6J
Username: ksasharing.com94 Password: CS7nz3
Username: ksasharing.com95 Password: RS0V8g
Username: ksasharing.com96 Password: 1sfEyY
Username: ksasharing.com97 Password: A69258
Username: ksasharing.com98 Password: 0066R8
Username: ksasharing.com99 Password: Jz9D2o
Username: ksasharing.com100 Password: Zhk47G
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
Host: supersport.no-ip.biz
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
user : tottenham1 ---> tottenham700
port: 7001 cyfra - provid (000068)
port: 7002 csat provid (032830)
port: 7003 jsc full provid (042400)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
Host: supersport.no-ip.biz
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
user : tottenham1 ---> tottenham700
port: 7001 cyfra - provid (000068)
port: 7002 csat provid (032830)
port: 7003 jsc full provid (042400)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
Host: ppv-madrid.zapto.org
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
User: cool1 ==TO== cool1000
Pass: satna
30000 Jsc viaccess
2200 Canal sat viaccess
1300 Digital+
1100 Sky Germany
1700 Cyfra+
1900 tsr
2000 cana digital
1000 Sky italia
1200 Sky UK
1500 Nova + art
2400 Al-majd
2100 Canal sat seca
2300 Canal+ maghreb
2500 Upc
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
Host: ppv-madrid.zapto.org
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
User: cool1 ==TO== cool1000
Pass: satna
30000 Jsc viaccess
2200 Canal sat viaccess
1300 Digital+
1100 Sky Germany
1700 Cyfra+
1900 tsr
2000 cana digital
1000 Sky italia
1200 Sky UK
1500 Nova + art
2400 Al-majd
2100 Canal sat seca
2300 Canal+ maghreb
2500 Upc
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.2
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST: sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : VOD1 --> VOD1000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART
PORT : 502 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 503 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports
PORT : 504 -> CAID : 1803 Polsat HD
PORT : 505 -> CAID : 0D08 AlMajd
PORT : 506 -> CAID : 0500 SRG Swiss/CSAT/TNT Sat/Canal+ Marghreb //BiSS TV
PORT : 507 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+
PORT : 508 -> CAID : 090D yes
PORT : 509 -> CAID : 09CD SKY Italia
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST: sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : VOD1 --> VOD1000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART
PORT : 502 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 503 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports
PORT : 504 -> CAID : 1803 Polsat HD
PORT : 505 -> CAID : 0D08 AlMajd
PORT : 506 -> CAID : 0500 SRG Swiss/CSAT/TNT Sat/Canal+ Marghreb //BiSS TV
PORT : 507 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+
PORT : 508 -> CAID : 090D yes
PORT : 509 -> CAID : 09CD SKY Italia
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : newcamdserver.no-ip.info
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : os2010mani-1 ==> os2010mani-10000
PASS : satna.biz
PORT : 100 : JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1010 : nova / ART(13E/)
PORT : 2010 : Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 1000 : Canal+ (19E) PROVIDER: 022610
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : newcamdserver.no-ip.info
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : os2010mani-1 ==> os2010mani-10000
PASS : satna.biz
PORT : 100 : JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1010 : nova / ART(13E/)
PORT : 2010 : Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 1000 : Canal+ (19E) PROVIDER: 022610
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : newcamdserver.no-ip.info
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : os2010yassor-1 ==> os2010yassor-10000
PASS : satna.biz
PORT : 100 : JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1010 : nova / ART(13E/)
PORT : 2010 : Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 1000 : Canal+ (19E) PROVIDER: 022610
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : newcamdserver.no-ip.info
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : os2010yassor-1 ==> os2010yassor-10000
PASS : satna.biz
PORT : 100 : JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1010 : nova / ART(13E/)
PORT : 2010 : Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 1000 : Canal+ (19E) PROVIDER: 022610
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : NewCamd.TheBestCCcam.CoM
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : YAKO1---to---> YAKO100
PASS : thebestcccam.com
PORT : 300 ––>CAID : 0500 jsc sport Full HD (26E/13E/7W)
PORT : 301 ––> CAID : 0500 BIS TV (13E/5W/19E/12W)
PORT : 302 ––> CAID : 0500 TPS/CanalSat France (19E)
PORT : 303 ––> CAID : 0500 Canal+ Marghreb (26E)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : NewCamd.TheBestCCcam.CoM
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : YAKO1---to---> YAKO100
PASS : thebestcccam.com
PORT : 300 ––>CAID : 0500 jsc sport Full HD (26E/13E/7W)
PORT : 301 ––> CAID : 0500 BIS TV (13E/5W/19E/12W)
PORT : 302 ––> CAID : 0500 TPS/CanalSat France (19E)
PORT : 303 ––> CAID : 0500 Canal+ Marghreb (26E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
Host: ppv-madrid.zapto.org
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
User: master1 ==TO== master1000
Pass: satna
30000 Jsc viaccess
2200 Canal sat viaccess
1300 Digital+
1100 Sky Germany
1700 Cyfra+
1900 tsr
2000 canal digital
1000 Sky italia
1200 Sky UK
1500 Nova + art
2400 Al-majd
2100 Canal sat seca
2300 Canal+ maghreb
2500 Upc
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
Host: ppv-madrid.zapto.org
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
User: master1 ==TO== master1000
Pass: satna
30000 Jsc viaccess
2200 Canal sat viaccess
1300 Digital+
1100 Sky Germany
1700 Cyfra+
1900 tsr
2000 canal digital
1000 Sky italia
1200 Sky UK
1500 Nova + art
2400 Al-majd
2100 Canal sat seca
2300 Canal+ maghreb
2500 Upc
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : arbveo.ddns.net
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: liga1 =to=> liga10000
PASS: www.arbveo.com
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.2
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST: sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : JSC1 --> JSC1000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART
PORT : 502 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 503 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports
PORT : 504 -> CAID : 1803 Polsat HD
PORT : 505 -> CAID : 0D08 AlMajd
PORT : 506 -> CAID : 0500 SRG Swiss/CSAT/TNT Sat/Canal+ Marghreb //BiSS TV
PORT : 507 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+
PORT : 508 -> CAID : 090D yes
PORT : 509 -> CAID : 09CD SKY Italia
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : arbveo.ddns.net
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: liga1 =to=> liga10000
PASS: www.arbveo.com
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.2
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST: sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : JSC1 --> JSC1000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART
PORT : 502 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 503 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports
PORT : 504 -> CAID : 1803 Polsat HD
PORT : 505 -> CAID : 0D08 AlMajd
PORT : 506 -> CAID : 0500 SRG Swiss/CSAT/TNT Sat/Canal+ Marghreb //BiSS TV
PORT : 507 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+
PORT : 508 -> CAID : 090D yes
PORT : 509 -> CAID : 09CD SKY Italia
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : supersport.no-ip.biz
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: Chelsea1 =to=> Chelsea700
PASS: satna.biz
PORT : 7001 -> CAID : 0100 provid:000068 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 7003 -> CAID : 0500 provid:042400 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7002-> CAID : 0500 provid:032830 CSAT (19E)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : supersport.no-ip.biz
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: Chelsea1 =to=> Chelsea700
PASS: satna.biz
PORT : 7001 -> CAID : 0100 provid:000068 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 7003 -> CAID : 0500 provid:042400 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7002-> CAID : 0500 provid:032830 CSAT (19E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : cstalking.no-ip.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : fady1 to fady1000
PASS : cstalking.com
PORT : 3001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Viaccess
PORT : 3003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Irdeto
PORT : 3004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 3005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 3006 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 3008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 7002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Viaccess
PORT : 7003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Irdeto
PORT : 7004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 7005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 7006 -> CAID : 0500 SCT (13E)//Dolly Buster (13E)//Dorcel TV XXX full
PORT : 7007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 7008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7009 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : cstalking.no-ip.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : fady1 to fady1000
PASS : cstalking.com
PORT : 3001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Viaccess
PORT : 3003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Irdeto
PORT : 3004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 3005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 3006 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 3008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 7002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Viaccess
PORT : 7003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E) Irdeto
PORT : 7004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 7005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 7006 -> CAID : 0500 SCT (13E)//Dolly Buster (13E)//Dorcel TV XXX full
PORT : 7007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 7008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7009 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : sa.ksasharing.com
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
PORT : 3111 -> CAID : 0604 ART
PORT : 3112 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3113 -> CAID : 0D08 Al Majed Tv(26E)
Username: ksasharing.com1 Password: A1T1nX
Username: ksasharing.com2 Password: 09u683
Username: ksasharing.com3 Password: I932PH
Username: ksasharing.com4 Password: 9H2l2f
Username: ksasharing.com5 Password: R22D8Y
Username: ksasharing.com6 Password: 3a96h9
Username: ksasharing.com7 Password: AA285P
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Username: ksasharing.com9 Password: 1KO3IZ
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Username: ksasharing.com11 Password: 30N3Y2
Username: ksasharing.com12 Password: 629UY0
Username: ksasharing.com13 Password: ZrM8gg
Username: ksasharing.com14 Password: 0Qu87o
Username: ksasharing.com15 Password: 12S473
Username: ksasharing.com16 Password: 927176
Username: ksasharing.com17 Password: Y5KA3V
Username: ksasharing.com18 Password: Yxs4vW
Username: ksasharing.com19 Password: 57j0UM
Username: ksasharing.com20 Password: X817n2
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Username: ksasharing.com25 Password: 0W92Uk
Username: ksasharing.com26 Password: NN6IEl
Username: ksasharing.com27 Password: 79yQ21
Username: ksasharing.com28 Password: 5u8GKA
Username: ksasharing.com29 Password: 9dYxss
Username: ksasharing.com30 Password: 9b57J0
Username: ksasharing.com31 Password: Bb736Q
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Username: ksasharing.com33 Password: KS7M25
Username: ksasharing.com34 Password: 7j33AI
Username: ksasharing.com35 Password: SJ6998
Username: ksasharing.com36 Password: JRU2gP
Username: ksasharing.com37 Password: B05t61
Username: ksasharing.com38 Password: I82447
Username: ksasharing.com39 Password: Xx5B3m
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Username: ksasharing.com42 Password: NNBI2L
Username: ksasharing.com43 Password: PfrJ6u
Username: ksasharing.com44 Password: FNq929
Username: ksasharing.com45 Password: 3Dq2LS
Username: ksasharing.com46 Password: E0Zp14
Username: ksasharing.com47 Password: 05p8a7
Username: ksasharing.com48 Password: DVh55t
Username: ksasharing.com49 Password: 2LPYjA
Username: ksasharing.com50 Password: 2c83Ah
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Username: ksasharing.com57 Password: Z5LU4W
Username: ksasharing.com58 Password: 9y50w3
Username: ksasharing.com59 Password: 68d1oN
Username: ksasharing.com60 Password: 841r63
Username: ksasharing.com61 Password: X77733
Username: ksasharing.com62 Password: 85S609
Username: ksasharing.com63 Password: GN6Q9V
Username: ksasharing.com64 Password: Wuh45T
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Username: ksasharing.com66 Password: V6QQ40
Username: ksasharing.com67 Password: Eu088c
Username: ksasharing.com68 Password: 6cy58B
Username: ksasharing.com69 Password: TsG4a0
Username: ksasharing.com70 Password: U2oY71
Username: ksasharing.com71 Password: 1cFmJ3
Username: ksasharing.com72 Password: 43E622
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Username: ksasharing.com75 Password: 53D5O4
Username: ksasharing.com76 Password: R96258
Username: ksasharing.com77 Password: 2IC1wX
Username: ksasharing.com78 Password: JZEu5x
Username: ksasharing.com79 Password: 99bCf0
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Username: ksasharing.com81 Password: 5pt7Oe
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Username: ksasharing.com84 Password: 013Ad5
Username: ksasharing.com85 Password: MeyY44
Username: ksasharing.com86 Password: 4v0qDU
Username: ksasharing.com87 Password: 6V89b7
Username: ksasharing.com88 Password: 9D716i
Username: ksasharing.com89 Password: E92G81
Username: ksasharing.com90 Password: Ed99uC
Username: ksasharing.com91 Password: M2154S
Username: ksasharing.com92 Password: KL1waq
Username: ksasharing.com93 Password: 151O6J
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Username: ksasharing.com98 Password: 0066R8
Username: ksasharing.com99 Password: Jz9D2o
Username: ksasharing.com100 Password: Zhk47G
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : sa.ksasharing.com
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
PORT : 3111 -> CAID : 0604 ART
PORT : 3112 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3113 -> CAID : 0D08 Al Majed Tv(26E)
Username: ksasharing.com1 Password: A1T1nX
Username: ksasharing.com2 Password: 09u683
Username: ksasharing.com3 Password: I932PH
Username: ksasharing.com4 Password: 9H2l2f
Username: ksasharing.com5 Password: R22D8Y
Username: ksasharing.com6 Password: 3a96h9
Username: ksasharing.com7 Password: AA285P
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Username: ksasharing.com9 Password: 1KO3IZ
Username: ksasharing.com10 Password: 6I2DGg
Username: ksasharing.com11 Password: 30N3Y2
Username: ksasharing.com12 Password: 629UY0
Username: ksasharing.com13 Password: ZrM8gg
Username: ksasharing.com14 Password: 0Qu87o
Username: ksasharing.com15 Password: 12S473
Username: ksasharing.com16 Password: 927176
Username: ksasharing.com17 Password: Y5KA3V
Username: ksasharing.com18 Password: Yxs4vW
Username: ksasharing.com19 Password: 57j0UM
Username: ksasharing.com20 Password: X817n2
Username: ksasharing.com21 Password: 7OiI2D
Username: ksasharing.com22 Password: Pf7amE
Username: ksasharing.com23 Password: 3356l5
Username: ksasharing.com24 Password: O4zrl8
Username: ksasharing.com25 Password: 0W92Uk
Username: ksasharing.com26 Password: NN6IEl
Username: ksasharing.com27 Password: 79yQ21
Username: ksasharing.com28 Password: 5u8GKA
Username: ksasharing.com29 Password: 9dYxss
Username: ksasharing.com30 Password: 9b57J0
Username: ksasharing.com31 Password: Bb736Q
Username: ksasharing.com32 Password: 811nIh
Username: ksasharing.com33 Password: KS7M25
Username: ksasharing.com34 Password: 7j33AI
Username: ksasharing.com35 Password: SJ6998
Username: ksasharing.com36 Password: JRU2gP
Username: ksasharing.com37 Password: B05t61
Username: ksasharing.com38 Password: I82447
Username: ksasharing.com39 Password: Xx5B3m
Username: ksasharing.com40 Password: 5ylK8X
Username: ksasharing.com41 Password: G141N2
Username: ksasharing.com42 Password: NNBI2L
Username: ksasharing.com43 Password: PfrJ6u
Username: ksasharing.com44 Password: FNq929
Username: ksasharing.com45 Password: 3Dq2LS
Username: ksasharing.com46 Password: E0Zp14
Username: ksasharing.com47 Password: 05p8a7
Username: ksasharing.com48 Password: DVh55t
Username: ksasharing.com49 Password: 2LPYjA
Username: ksasharing.com50 Password: 2c83Ah
Username: ksasharing.com51 Password: 8COFS3
Username: ksasharing.com52 Password: 170VZ6
Username: ksasharing.com53 Password: 0z0mh1
Username: ksasharing.com54 Password: 0K69Rp
Username: ksasharing.com55 Password: 72M52f
Username: ksasharing.com56 Password: 588KXw
Username: ksasharing.com57 Password: Z5LU4W
Username: ksasharing.com58 Password: 9y50w3
Username: ksasharing.com59 Password: 68d1oN
Username: ksasharing.com60 Password: 841r63
Username: ksasharing.com61 Password: X77733
Username: ksasharing.com62 Password: 85S609
Username: ksasharing.com63 Password: GN6Q9V
Username: ksasharing.com64 Password: Wuh45T
Username: ksasharing.com65 Password: O36q19
Username: ksasharing.com66 Password: V6QQ40
Username: ksasharing.com67 Password: Eu088c
Username: ksasharing.com68 Password: 6cy58B
Username: ksasharing.com69 Password: TsG4a0
Username: ksasharing.com70 Password: U2oY71
Username: ksasharing.com71 Password: 1cFmJ3
Username: ksasharing.com72 Password: 43E622
Username: ksasharing.com73 Password: L4X036
Username: ksasharing.com74 Password: Srmm1Q
Username: ksasharing.com75 Password: 53D5O4
Username: ksasharing.com76 Password: R96258
Username: ksasharing.com77 Password: 2IC1wX
Username: ksasharing.com78 Password: JZEu5x
Username: ksasharing.com79 Password: 99bCf0
Username: ksasharing.com80 Password: 1g0Sm9
Username: ksasharing.com81 Password: 5pt7Oe
Username: ksasharing.com82 Password: 1O77l9
Username: ksasharing.com83 Password: 25sKd6
Username: ksasharing.com84 Password: 013Ad5
Username: ksasharing.com85 Password: MeyY44
Username: ksasharing.com86 Password: 4v0qDU
Username: ksasharing.com87 Password: 6V89b7
Username: ksasharing.com88 Password: 9D716i
Username: ksasharing.com89 Password: E92G81
Username: ksasharing.com90 Password: Ed99uC
Username: ksasharing.com91 Password: M2154S
Username: ksasharing.com92 Password: KL1waq
Username: ksasharing.com93 Password: 151O6J
Username: ksasharing.com94 Password: CS7nz3
Username: ksasharing.com95 Password: RS0V8g
Username: ksasharing.com96 Password: 1sfEyY
Username: ksasharing.com97 Password: A69258
Username: ksasharing.com98 Password: 0066R8
Username: ksasharing.com99 Password: Jz9D2o
Username: ksasharing.com100 Password: Zhk47G
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : satna.sytes.net
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: strator-1 to strator-1000
PASS : satna.biz
PORT : 8000 -> CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 9000 -> CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)//CSAT (19E)
PORT : 10000 -> CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 10001 -> CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)//CSAT (19E)
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : satna.sytes.net
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: strator-1 to strator-1000
PASS : satna.biz
PORT : 8000 -> CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 9000 -> CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)//CSAT (19E)
PORT : 10000 -> CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 10001 -> CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)//CSAT (19E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : fes-sat.myftp.org
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : vet1 to vet50
PASS : fes-sat.net
PORT : 500 -> CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 501 -> CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 502 -> CAID: 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : fes-sat.myftp.org
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : vet1 to vet50
PASS : fes-sat.net
PORT : 500 -> CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 501 -> CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 502 -> CAID: 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : NewCamd.TheBestCCcam.CoM
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : Acamd1 ––> Acamd100
PASS : thebestcccam.com
PORT : 300 ––>CAID : 0500 jsc sport Full HD (26E/13E/7W)
PORT : 301 ––> CAID : 0500 BIS TV (13E/5W/19E/12W)
PORT : 302 ––> CAID : 0500 TPS/CanalSat France (19E)
PORT : 303 ––> CAID : 0500 Canal+ Marghreb (26E)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : NewCamd.TheBestCCcam.CoM
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : Acamd1 ––> Acamd100
PASS : thebestcccam.com
PORT : 300 ––>CAID : 0500 jsc sport Full HD (26E/13E/7W)
PORT : 301 ––> CAID : 0500 BIS TV (13E/5W/19E/12W)
PORT : 302 ––> CAID : 0500 TPS/CanalSat France (19E)
PORT : 303 ––> CAID : 0500 Canal+ Marghreb (26E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ##############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
ost: ppv-madrid.zapto.org
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
User: Ipad 1 ==TO== Ipad 1000
Pass: satna
30000 Jsc viaccess
2200 Canal sat viaccess
1300 Digital+
1100 Sky Germany
1700 Cyfra+
1900 tsr
2000 canal digital
1000 Sky italia
1200 Sky UK
1500 Nova + art
2400 Al-majd
2100 Canal sat seca
2300 Canal+ maghreb
2500 Upc
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
ost: ppv-madrid.zapto.org
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
User: Ipad 1 ==TO== Ipad 1000
Pass: satna
30000 Jsc viaccess
2200 Canal sat viaccess
1300 Digital+
1100 Sky Germany
1700 Cyfra+
1900 tsr
2000 canal digital
1000 Sky italia
1200 Sky UK
1500 Nova + art
2400 Al-majd
2100 Canal sat seca
2300 Canal+ maghreb
2500 Upc
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ##############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : newcamdserver.no-ip.info
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : os2010end-1 ==> os2010end-10000
PASS : satna.biz
PORT : 100 : JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1010 : nova / ART(13E/)
PORT : 2010 : Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 1000 : Canal+ (19E) PROVIDER: 022610
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : newcamdserver.no-ip.info
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : os2010end-1 ==> os2010end-10000
PASS : satna.biz
PORT : 100 : JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1010 : nova / ART(13E/)
PORT : 2010 : Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 1000 : Canal+ (19E) PROVIDER: 022610
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ##############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : satarabia.myftp.biz
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER:threr1 =to=> threr100
PASS: satarabia.com
PORT : 6001 -> CAID : 0604 ART
PORT : 6002 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 6003 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : satarabia.myftp.biz
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER:threr1 =to=> threr100
PASS: satarabia.com
PORT : 6001 -> CAID : 0604 ART
PORT : 6002 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 6003 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ##############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
HOST : satarabia.no-ip.info
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: fifa1 =to=> fifa1000
PASS: satarabia.com
PORT: 3001 : CAID: 0604 ART//Nova full Irdeto
PORT: 3002 : CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W) Viaccess
PORT: 3003 : CAID: 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W) Irdeto
PORT: 3004 CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT: 3005 CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT: 3006 CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT: 3007 digiturk
PORT: 3008 CAID: 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
HOST : satarabia.no-ip.info
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: fifa1 =to=> fifa1000
PASS: satarabia.com
PORT: 3001 : CAID: 0604 ART//Nova full Irdeto
PORT: 3002 : CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W) Viaccess
PORT: 3003 : CAID: 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W) Irdeto
PORT: 3004 CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT: 3005 CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT: 3006 CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT: 3007 digiturk
PORT: 3008 CAID: 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ##############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : arbveo.ddns.net
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: saveo-1 =to=> saveo-10000
PASS: arbveo.com
Powered: serversharing23.blogspot.com Team
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : arbveo.ddns.net
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: saveo-1 =to=> saveo-10000
PASS: arbveo.com
Powered: serversharing23.blogspot.com Team
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ##############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : freesrv.best-sat.com
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: foot-1 =to=> foot-1000
PASS: best-sat.com
PORT : 15000 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1702 -> CAID : 1702 SKY Deutschland (19E)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : freesrv.best-sat.com
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: foot-1 =to=> foot-1000
PASS: best-sat.com
PORT : 15000 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 1702 -> CAID : 1702 SKY Deutschland (19E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ##############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : cstalking.no-ip.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
user : tubo1 ==> tubo1000
pass : cstalking.com
PORT : 3001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 3005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 3006 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 3008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 7002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 7005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 7007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 7008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7009 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : cstalking.no-ip.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
user : tubo1 ==> tubo1000
pass : cstalking.com
PORT : 3001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 3005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 3006 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 3008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 7002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 7005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 7007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 7008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7009 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ##############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : www.Satna.biz
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: tanger1 =to=> tanger10000
PASS: www.satna.biz
PORT: 12345 CAID: 0500 JSC SPORT
Powered: serversharing23.blogspot.com Team
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : www.Satna.biz
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: tanger1 =to=> tanger10000
PASS: www.satna.biz
PORT: 12345 CAID: 0500 JSC SPORT
Powered: serversharing23.blogspot.com Team
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ##############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : NewCamd.TheBestCCcam.CoM
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : SAmO1 ––> SAmO100
PASS : thebestcccam.com
PORT : 300 ––>CAID : 0500 jsc sport Full HD (26E/13E/7W)
PORT : 301 ––> CAID : 0500 BIS TV (13E/5W/19E/12W)
PORT : 302 ––> CAID : 0500 TPS/CanalSat France (19E)
PORT : 303 ––> CAID : 0500 Canal+ Marghreb (26E)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : NewCamd.TheBestCCcam.CoM
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : SAmO1 ––> SAmO100
PASS : thebestcccam.com
PORT : 300 ––>CAID : 0500 jsc sport Full HD (26E/13E/7W)
PORT : 301 ––> CAID : 0500 BIS TV (13E/5W/19E/12W)
PORT : 302 ––> CAID : 0500 TPS/CanalSat France (19E)
PORT : 303 ––> CAID : 0500 Canal+ Marghreb (26E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
Host: ppv-madrid.zapto.org
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
User: Docteur1 ==TO== Docteur1000
Pass: satna
30000 Jsc viaccess
2200 Canal sat viaccess
1300 Digital+
1100 Sky Germany
1700 Cyfra+
1900 tsr
2000 cana digital
1000 Sky italia
1200 Sky UK
1500 Nova + art
2400 Al-majd
2100 Canal sat seca
2300 Canal+ maghreb
2500 Upc
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
Host: ppv-madrid.zapto.org
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
User: Docteur1 ==TO== Docteur1000
Pass: satna
30000 Jsc viaccess
2200 Canal sat viaccess
1300 Digital+
1100 Sky Germany
1700 Cyfra+
1900 tsr
2000 cana digital
1000 Sky italia
1200 Sky UK
1500 Nova + art
2400 Al-majd
2100 Canal sat seca
2300 Canal+ maghreb
2500 Upc
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ##############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : newcamdserver.no-ip.info
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: os2010new-1 =to=> os2010new-1000
PASS: satna.biz
PORT: 100 : JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT: 1010 : nova/ ART/(13E/)
PORT: 2010 : Cyfra+seca all (13E)
PORT: 1000 : canal +
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : newcamdserver.no-ip.info
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: os2010new-1 =to=> os2010new-1000
PASS: satna.biz
PORT: 100 : JSC Sports (13E/7W/26E)
PORT: 1010 : nova/ ART/(13E/)
PORT: 2010 : Cyfra+seca all (13E)
PORT: 1000 : canal +
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ##############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : cstalking.no-ip.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
user : tubo1 ==> tubo1000
pass : cstalking.com
PORT : 3001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 3005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 3006 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 3008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 7002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 7005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 7007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 7008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7009 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 12001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : cstalking.no-ip.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
user : tubo1 ==> tubo1000
pass : cstalking.com
PORT : 3001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 3005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 3006 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 3008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 7002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 7005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 7007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 7008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7009 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 12001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ##############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : satarabia.no-ip.info
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: fifa1 =to=> fifa1000
PASS: satarabia.com
PORT: 3001 : CAID: 0604 ART//Nova full Irdeto
PORT: 3002 : CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W) Viaccess
PORT: 3003 : CAID: 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W) Irdeto
PORT: 3004 CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT: 3005 CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT: 3006 CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT: 3007 digiturk
PORT: 3008 CAID: 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : satarabia.no-ip.info
DES Key: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER: fifa1 =to=> fifa1000
PASS: satarabia.com
PORT: 3001 : CAID: 0604 ART//Nova full Irdeto
PORT: 3002 : CAID: 0500 JSC Sports (13E/7W) Viaccess
PORT: 3003 : CAID: 0603 JSC Sports (13E/7W) Irdeto
PORT: 3004 CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT: 3005 CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT: 3006 CAID: 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT: 3007 digiturk
PORT: 3008 CAID: 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
User:Dell-dz1 ==>to==>Dell-dz1000
30000 Jsc viaccess
2200 Canal sat viaccess
1300 Digital+
1100 Sky Germany
1700 Cyfra+
1900 tsr
2000 cana digital
1000 Sky italia
1200 Sky UK
1500 Nova + art
2400 Al-majd
2100 Canal sat seca
2300 Canal+ maghreb
2500 Upc
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
DES Key : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
User:Dell-dz1 ==>to==>Dell-dz1000
30000 Jsc viaccess
2200 Canal sat viaccess
1300 Digital+
1100 Sky Germany
1700 Cyfra+
1900 tsr
2000 cana digital
1000 Sky italia
1200 Sky UK
1500 Nova + art
2400 Al-majd
2100 Canal sat seca
2300 Canal+ maghreb
2500 Upc
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST: sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : Lion-1 -->Lion-100000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART
PORT : 502 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 503 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports
PORT : 504 -> CAID : 1803 Polsat HD
PORT : 505 -> CAID : 0D08 AlMajd
PORT : 506 -> CAID : 0500 SRG Swiss//CSAT//TNT Sat//Canal+ Marghreb //BiSS TV
PORT : 507 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+
PORT : 508 -> CAID : 090D yes
PORT : 509 -> CAID : 09CD SKY Italia
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST: sat4stars-com.dyndns.biz
DESKEY: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
USER : Lion-1 -->Lion-100000
PASS : sat4stars.com
PORT : 501 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART
PORT : 502 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sports
PORT : 503 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sports
PORT : 504 -> CAID : 1803 Polsat HD
PORT : 505 -> CAID : 0D08 AlMajd
PORT : 506 -> CAID : 0500 SRG Swiss//CSAT//TNT Sat//Canal+ Marghreb //BiSS TV
PORT : 507 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+
PORT : 508 -> CAID : 090D yes
PORT : 509 -> CAID : 09CD SKY Italia
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
PROTOKOL : NewCamd5.25
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : cstalking.no-ip.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
user : tubo1 ==> tubo1000
pass : cstalking.com
PORT : 3001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 3005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 3006 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 3008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 7002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 7005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 7007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 7008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7009 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
NAME : www.serversharing23.blogspot.com
HOST : cstalking.no-ip.biz
DESKEY : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
user : tubo1 ==> tubo1000
pass : cstalking.com
PORT : 3001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 3004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 3005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 3006 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 3007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 3008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7001 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
PORT : 7002 -> CAID : 0500 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7003 -> CAID : 0603 JSC Sport (13E/7W/26E)
PORT : 7004 -> CAID : 093B SKY Italia (13E)
PORT : 7005 -> CAID : 0100 Cyfra+ (13E)
PORT : 7007 -> CAID : Cryptoworks
PORT : 7008 -> CAID : 0D02 UPC Direct (1W/19E)
PORT : 7009 -> CAID : 0604 Nova//ART (7W)
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ###############
HD Full CCcam Server
HD Full CCcam Server
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,1 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,2 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,3 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,4 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,5 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,6 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,7 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,8 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,9 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,10 www.eucccam.com
USER===Barca4ever,1 ====to===> Barca4ever,40
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,40 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,41 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,42 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,43 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,44 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,45 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,46 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,47 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,48 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,49 www.eucccam.com
C: Full-Sports.no-ip.biz 12000 Barca4ever,50 www.eucccam.com
############### www.serversharing23.blogspot.comTeam ##############
Free Cccam Server
C: algersat-free.no-ip.net 12000 Algersat-1 star7-dz.com
C: algersat-free.no-ip.net 12000 Algersat-2 star7-dz.com
C: algersat-free.no-ip.net 12000 Algersat-3 star7-dz.com
F: Algersat-4 star7-dz.com
F: Algersat-5 star7-dz.com
F: Algersat-6 star7-dz.com
F: Algersat-7 star7-dz.com
F: Algersat-8 star7-dz.com
F: Algersat-9 star7-dz.com
F: Algersat-10 star7-dz.com
F: Algersat-11 star7-dz.com
F: Algersat-12 star7-dz.com
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