vendredi 25 novembre 2011

Want to create better Facebook ads? Start here

Alright, I’m sick of this. Nearly every time that I log in to Facebook I see another poorly-produced, ineffectually-targeted Facebook ad. Behind that ad? Some poor schmuck who’s spent way too much time and money, and has wasted both of them.
So, while I could just sit and gripe about it, I decided to heed the words of one of my former bosses – Bring me any problem you want, but bring it with at least one possible solution.
For that solution, I turned to some of the best in the business. Social marketers, PPC ad experts and analytics fanatics are all in my Internet-based Rolodex, so I’ve called upon them to give us some easily-digestible, actionable tips for producing effective Facebook ads. It’s time to stop wasting money, so let’s get moving.

Why Do You Care?

Good ads cost less – Yes, really. Facebook operates on a bid method of effective CPM (not familiar with CPM, CPC and the other terms? Check out this guide). That is to say that the cost per click of running an ad will go down the more engaging that it is. So not only are good ads going to make you money, they’re going to save you money too.

Aim First, Fire Fast

Facebook has a setting that allows you to show ads only to people who are friends of your existing fans. When you bet on the social graph then you’re betting on the idea that like-minded people are friends. Therefore using this setting could be beneficial, but you have to make sure that you’re targeting the right people to begin with.
According to Jeff Widman, Co-Founder of PageLever, “If you’re trying to get fans, target ads at friends of fans.” They’re the ones who are more likely to click because they’re going to see that message saying that their friends have already clicked.
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As this writing in Search Marketing Insider shows, it’s critical to get those first few influencers. It will put your ad into the faces of more of the right people, but you need to aim for the top of the stack instead of the bottom. If you’re selling software, for instance, aim for people who genuinely care about what you’re doing, instead of the casual user, because those top-tier people are going to allow a better flow of visibility.

Design Is Important

I can’t tell you the number of ads that I’ve overlooked because they simply didn’t grab the eye. Likewise, I can’t tell you the number that I’ve absolutely noticed simply because someone put some thought into their design.
The folks over at Wildfire bring about one very important point – make it pretty. You have a limited amount of space with any ad, and with Facebook ads that’s even more true. So make sure that you’re using the space to its best ability by including images that are eye-catching, relevant and big enough to be clear.

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